631 987 8210
Robert Littera, president and founder of Tekmar Sales, Inc. earned a BSEET degree from DeVry University in Atlanta Ga. and a Masters of Science Degree in Management from NYU Polytechnic University.
Robert Littera has held positions at Bell Labs/Western Electric as a Systems Equipment Engineer and at AIL Systems in LI, NY as an RF Engineer where he designed RF subsystems, receivers as well as power supplies and voltage regulators for the B1–B defensive electronics system and the EF-111 program.
In 1987 he joined Robert Diamond Inc., a leading manufacturer’s representative organization. Upon Robert Diamond’s retirement from the field, Robert Littera founded Tekmar Sales, Inc. This combined engineering and sales experience, along with hard work and persistence, prove to be critical to the success of the organization.

Robert Littera focuses on select accounts in LI, NJ and Fairfield Ct.
His trademark phrase is “work hard and focus”. This philosophy caries throughout the organization.